Sunday, November 29, 2020

The First Sunday in Advent


This year's decorations are minimal and as Meredith pointed out, it is my choice. If later I decide I want more decorations, I just get them out and add them. 
One thing that stays the same, however, is the Advent wreath. Simple, plain, and very meaningful.
Another standard is that I get out all my Christmas books so they are within easy reach to read once again. As I was looking at them this morning, I realized I know most of them by heart. There are short stories, full fledged novels, poetry and fun. I usually start with Sandra Boynton's Christmastime, and move on to Anne Perry's Christmas novels. The Grinch gets saved for Christmas Eve with my family. The point being, I suggest that you read something this season that you almost know by heart. It doesn't have to be a Christmas story. Just one that you have read often, that brings you pleasure, and will bring you comfort as you live into this beautiful, frustrating, odd, delightful, painful, hopeful season of the year. 
Blessings, my friends. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Today I Wore Pearls


Today I wore pearls in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In honor of RBG ~ and Democracy
 ~ and Lady Liberty, the words on your base are not forgotten
~ and Abigail Adams, who said, "Don't forget the ladies, John"
~ and all the Native American mothers who walked the trail of tears
~ and all the black mothers who hold their breaths until their sons return home safely
~ and all the women who marched, were jailed and force fed so that we could vote today
~ and Rosa Parks
~ and all the women who wear the title "the first woman to . . ."
~ and all the LBGTQ folks struggling to have the same rights as everyone else
~ and all the wives and mothers who bear the burden of having sons and daughters at war
~ and all those whose anger is fought against instead of being listened to as legitimate protest
~ and all those who have the courage to flee domestic violence
~ and all those who fight for justice whether in the streets, the courts, the home, or the government
~ and all our daughters whose strength and wisdom is just now rising to the fore.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
May her legacy be a blessing and a beacon to us all.