Sunday, April 4, 2021

A Universal Pattern

 Astarte, Ostara ~ Goddesses of fertility, spring, new life. The Church adopted Asherah worship and named it Easter, a variation on the name of the Scandinavian goddess Ostara, in about 155 of the Common Era. Many years before the resurrection of Christ, humans were aware of and celebrating the return of life into the world and into their lives. 

Christians around the world are celebrating Christ’s resurrection. All human being, no matter what their faith belief, recognize the pattern of death and resurrection in their lives. 

Probably the most obvious example right now is how many of us feel after that second COVID vaccination. Many of my friends have had really severe reactions sometimes for up to a week ~ and then suddenly they are ok again. Dean and I keep large pots of mint and rosemary on the back deck and for months now those pots have been full of dead stems. Just yesterday we commented that we hoped both herbs would return soon. Moms have looked into the eyes of a sick child and known it was not yet time for them to be up and about until the next day when the eyes are bright and mom knows recovery is complete. These are universal patterns of death and resurrection and they are happening over and over in our lives. 

This is a Divine pattern played out over the cosmic ages that Easter reminds us to recognize and celebrate. It’s an old universal pattern that continues to breathe new Life into our souls. A Blessed Easter to you all in the many names of God.