As I grow older, and I have to admit I am growing older, I am learning it is wise to make some adjustments to compensate for that fact. This week it came in the form of making apple sauce.
Traditionally I would put the crate of apples on the counter and cut and chop and cook and blend until the whole crate was gone and apple sauce was in the freezer.
This year I found lovely Apple Hill apples at our Farmers' Market and chose a lovely selection to mix into the blend for apple sauce. Then my body aches started - my personal trainer even sent me home from our session when he saw the way I was walking into the gym. I ached. And I had apple sauce to make. What to do?
Well, think about it, Susan. The whole crate doesn't have to be used all at once. Solution: yesterday I made two pots of apples. Today I made two pots of apples. Tomorrow I will finish the crate. Once the apples were cooked, I let them cool while I ate lunch and took a nap. Then I blended them and put them containers to freeze. Done in a way that gives me my terrific (if I do say so myself) apple sauce and at the same time didn't wear me out and made me hurt even more.
Folks, I don't like to admit to hurting and feeling bad and not being as active as I once was ~ and the fact is, that's the way it is. So, I adjust. I'm learning and every adjustment keeps me moving forward and staying in good shape for 78. I'm grateful for life and all it's flavorful adjustments!