1) This whole situation has started to invade my dreams. The dreams are rather ordinary. They just have an added element: I am upset if people are not wearing masks or social distancing.
2) This morning is senior shopping and as I was getting dressed, I noticed I looked a little pale and I reached for lipstick and realized No - won't do that. It will mess up the inside of my mask.
3) Cooking seems to be more prevalent these days. Not sure baking oatmeal cookies is all that good for us and it got me out of my chair and moving around. Maybe they were balanced by the pork stir fry I pulled together for dinner.
4) I need sunshine, a condition I have known for years, and it is heightened by the fact that I was so delighted with our early spring and now we are back to almost winter including an all day snow yesterday. Or the day before ~ I'm not too sure any more.
5) And finally - in spite of all of this, I am So Grateful for all my blessings. I have listed these before and I will again with no apology: we live where we can walk in the woods with no masks; town is not that big nor crowded that social distance is relatively easy; our ordinary, "normal" lives make SiP easier than for most people; and for now we are safe and secure and healthy and well fed. Also it's kind of fun to have the bears come right up to the back door to check on us. Keep counting your blessings, my friends!
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