Friday, April 3, 2020

It's The Little Things

In the midst of big chaos, big decision, big news, big changes, it is still the little things that can make us happy and feel so grateful for what we have and experience.

I found Burt's Bees Hand Salve at the grocery yesterday.
Dean had a can of it when I moved here 20 years ago and we have just recently finished it. It has been the one thing I found that kept the skin around my nails from cracking in this high, dry altitude. Suddenly we were without it just as hand washing became the thing and using alcohol wipes and sprays all the rage. Ergo - cracks! And there it was tucked down on a lower shelf sort of pushed to the back. Bet this can goes in less than 20 years.

So grateful it is orange season and the grocery store is loaded with delicious California oranges. Our morning juice is quite amazing, a healthy tasty addition to vitamin C supplements.

Dean bought a little UV flashlight to kill virus germs. It doesn't flood a room but it does take care of his gloves and our shoes.

I was pissed off about something yesterday and was heading down the stairs when right in front of me on the family picture wall was the picture of our grandson's wedding with all the family in one smiling line. The bride and groom had the biggest smiles of course but the rest of us were very happy and the picture made me smile. Suddenly I was happy, no longer pissed, and very grateful for my wonderful family.

As I made my way down the stairs I checked in with other pictures, especially those of grands at all stages of their lives. What joy those pictures bring!

Find the little things and be grateful and don't forget to wash your hands ~

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