You would think after all these years I would just sigh and resign myself to the time change. And I guess I do ~ But! I don't like it. Never have and still don't.
Overall I prefer what I tend to call "God's time" although I know the concept is still created by humans because at some point in time (I haven't Googled it yet) some person decided on Greenwich Mean Time and we went from there.
Every time we switch times, there are articles about someone (I don't know who is in charge of this) talking about ending DST for good. I would like that. And I really don't care which time is chosen, GMT or DST. Just choose one and stick with it so we don't have the switch every six months.
Springing forward sends families, teachers, even non-child related adults into about a week of negativity. Everything is disrupted from a lot to a little. Falling back is easier because of one hour's more sleep but there is still a disruption in the body's system. Let's just pick a time and stay with it.
And that's my rather mild rant for today ~ remember to wash your hands!
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