Well, good morning! It has been a while, mainly because something happened and I couldn't get back into my first blog to add anything. That was ok because I didn't have much to say for a while. Once I decided I would like to share some reflections, starting over seemed too much trouble. This morning I decided why not? So, here we go ~ and welcome to reflections from the Tahoe Mom.
Let's start with responsibility. I am a responsible person. I have gone to school, raised a family, held jobs, cooked meals (Oh wow, have I cooked meals!), seen that the house was clean whether I did it myself or hired someone to do it, and basically lived a responsible life.
And this morning I don't want to be responsible!!! Except I come out of the bedroom and there is the dog - Oso, if you haven't been introduced - waiting patiently with tail thumping for mom to feed him.
Oso is a very clever dog. He chases bears, announces arrivals at the front door, and knows when it is time to eat. What he cannot do is get his own food. I think it has to do with no opposable thumbs. So I feed him.
There is the dishwasher ~ unable to unload itself. I know. Dean can also unload it or at least take a dish or two out. And the pattern has been set and I feel responsible. So I unload it.
Another pattern that has been set is my cooking breakfast. It's rather easy. With little variation, we eat the same thing almost every morning so no decisions. And once in a while Dean will make something special like pancakes. But basically the responsibility for breakfast is mine and this morning, I Do Not want to do it. Sigh. But I will because I feel responsible.
So I have been thinking about this concept of responsibility, what creates it, what instills it, and what makes it drive us into doing even when we would rather be doing something else. Even as I write, Dean is bringing in fire wood to keep the morning fire going ~ in other words, being responsible.
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