Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Second Sunday in Advent


Finding the Quiet. Even during isolation and quarantine, there seems to be a lot going on, especially in our heads. Lots of thinking, wondering, worrying and just caring deeply about what is happening and if there is anything we can do about it. How in the midst of all this do we find quiet, peace, a time just to be?

I do meditate and sometimes that is just not possible. I know there are people for whom this is difficult. I also find that just a moment or two of quiet is very helpful. For instance, I'll be sitting on my bed, tying a shoe and I will just stop. Just stop. Sit very still and look out the window and breathe. I don't stay like that long. The other shoe needs to be tied and I need to get up and move ~ and for a moment there has been a quiet stillness in my soul. 

I tie the other shoe, or get up to start my day, just a little more centered, a little more grounded, a little more aware of the Divine.

We must find our quiet when and where we can and sometimes it is only a moment while tying a shoe. 

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